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CPAN questions with verified answers

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CPAN questions with verified answers In providing preoperative teaching to a patient requesting spinal anesthesia, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that an absolute contraindication for spinal anesthesia is: 1. patient refusal. 2. chronic back pain. 3. multiple sclerosis. 4. sickle cell anemia. - 1 In administering flumazenil, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that it inhibits the central effects of benzodiazepines by: 1. competing for the receptor sites. 2. stimulating the cerebral cortex. 3. occupying the mu receptor sites. 4. metabolizing the medications. - 1 A pathological process that can interfere with accurate measurements of SpO2 when using a pulse oximeter is: 1. Cushing's disease. 2. hypoparathyroidism. 3. Raynaud's disease. 4. hyperthyroidism. - 3 In the event that a pharmacologically paralyzed patient is inadvertently extubated, the first priority of the PACU nurse is to: 1. administer a muscarinic anticholinergic drug immediately. 2. establish and maintain the airway and ventilation. 3. administer an anticholinesterase drug immediately. 4. assess for muscle recovery before reintubating. -2 A PACU nurse identifies an increased number of postoperative infections and utilizes a quality improvement tool to collect more data. When deficiencies are noted in the Phase I area, the nurse next considers: 1. developing a poster board on commonly used antibiotics. 2. presenting staff with an in-service on infection control. 3. apprising the infectious disease service of the occurrences. 4. notifying the OR clinical specialist. -2 A staff nurse denied a merit increase expresses vigorous support for management and its policies instead of showing anger. The nurse's behavior is characterized as: 1. identification. 2. reaction formation. 3. sublimation. 4. rationalization. -2 When educating the patient on what to expect during the administration of spinal anesthesia, the perianesthesia nurse understands that the progression of blockage occurs in the following order: 1. sensory, motor, autonomic 2. motor, sensory, autonomic 3. autonomic, sensory, motor 4. motor, autonomic, sensory - 3 After extubation of a patient, which of the following would be considered most serious? 1. Sore throat 2. Impaired swallowing ability 3. Inspiratory stridor 4. Hoarseness - 3 Which of the following interventions would be used first to maintain adequate perfusion and oxygen supply to cardiac muscles following hepatic surgery in a patient with a history of coronary artery disease: 1. Ensure a hemoglobin concentration ≥ 10 g. 2. Treat tachydysrhythmias and hypotension. 3. Monitor oxygen saturation via pulse oximetry. 4. Administer appropriate medications. - 1 The use of the pulse oximeter has become a routine part of PACU care. The post anesthesia nurse may decide that oximetry monitoring is indicated when the patient: 1. has had minor surgery. 2. has normal vital signs. 3. has had regional anesthesia. 4. is severely hypothermic. - 4 The perianesthesia nurse is aware that a dramatic decrease in the calcium may be cause by removal of the: 1. pituitary gland. 2. thyroid gland. 3. parathyroid gland. 4. adrenal glands. - 3 Tidal volume is most precisely defined as the amount of: 1. air exchange in one minute. 2. gas passing into or out of the lungs in each respiratory cycle. 3. gas remaining within the chest after maximal expiration. 4. air exchange with full inspiration and expiration. -2 In caring for a preschool-aged child, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that the child's primary cause of anxiety prior to surgery is: 1. fear of the medical equipment. 2. striving for approval. 3. loss of privacy. 4. separation from parents. - 4 One of the most frequent side effects of ketamine anesthesia is: 1. hallucination. 2. respiratory depression. 3. hypotension. 4. bradycardia. - 1 A standard of practice for post anesthesia nursing is established by which acceptable levels of nursing action? 1. Promoting independent nursing judgment 2. Specifying the nursing goal while defining appropriate nursing measures 3. Identifying the nursing actions that meet JCAHO criteria 4. Prescribing the nursing intervention relative to standing orders -2

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$ 36.07

[Solved] CPAN questions with verified answers

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  • Submitted On 05 Jun, 2024 07:17:04
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
CPAN questions with verified answers In providing preoperative teaching to a patient requesting spinal anesthesia, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that an absolute contraindication for spinal anesthesia is: 1. patient refusal. 2. chronic back pain. 3. multiple sclerosis. 4. sickle cell anemia. - 1 In administering flumazenil, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that it inhibits the central effects of benzodiazepines by: 1. competing for the receptor sites. 2. stimulating the cerebral cortex. 3. occupying the mu receptor sites. 4. metabolizing the medications. - 1 A pathological process that can interfere with accurate measurements of SpO2 when using a pulse oximeter is: 1. Cushing's disease. 2. hypoparathyroidism. 3. Raynaud's disease. 4. hyperthyroidism. - 3 In the event that a pharmacologically paralyzed patient is inadvertently extubated, the first priority of the PACU nurse is to: 1. administer a muscarinic anticholinergic drug immediately. 2. establish and maintain the airway and ventilation. 3. administer an anticholineste...
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CPAN questions with verified answers

CPAN questions with verified answers In providing preoperative teaching to a patient requesting spinal anesthesia, the perianesthesia nurse is aware that an absolute contraindication for spinal anesthesia is: 1. patient r...

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