Client-Centered Care Exam I With Verified Questions and Verified Answers
- From Health Care, Nursing
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- Emmaculate
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Client-Centered Care Exam I With Verified
Questions and Verified Answers
What are the factors interfering with urinary elimination? - total loss of kidney's
ability to manufacture urine, decreased kidney profusion, blockage of the ureters,
disruption of the bladder by tumor or trauma, infection, neurologic damage to the
nerves, prostate surgery
What is the normal urinary elimination for infants? - 5-40 times a day
What is the normal urinary elimination for preschool children? - every 2 hours
What is the normal urinary elimination for adults? - 5-10 times per day
What is the normal amount of urination voided for males? - 300-500 mL
What is the normal amount of urination voided for females? -250 mL
What should the average output for urination be? - approx 30 mL/hr
What are the functions of sleep? - They are important factors in general health
and recovery from illness, it increases your pain tolerance, and allows improved
response to analgesia
What is Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep? - the time period in which you dream, a
period of high level activity, heart rate, bp, and respirations are similar to that
when awake
What is Non-Rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep? - when the body receives the
most rest; heart rate, bp, and respirations decline
Newborn sleep requirements - atleast 16 hours of sleep per day
Age 1 sleep requirements - 12-14 hours per day
preschool sleep requirements - 11-13 hours per night
school-age sleep requirements - 10-11 hours per night
adolescents sleep requirements - 9-10 hours per night
adult sleep requirement - 8 hours per night
What effects does inadequate rest and sleep have on the body? - It negatively
affects many systems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, and
neurological as well as metabolism
How is sleep affected in a hospital? - noise and commotion, frequently interrupted
by diagnostics tests and vital sign measurements
How can nurses reduce the disruption of rest and sleep? - by adjusting
environmental factors. using flashlights instead of turning on the lights, offer
What are non-pharmacological pain treatments? - Transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation (TENS)
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS)
Binders, application of heat and cold, relaxation, biofeedback, distraction, guided
imagery and meditation, music, hypnosis, massage
What are some pain management skills for acute and chronic pain? - They can be
treated with nonpharmacological and pharmacological methods
What pain medications may be ordered for acute and chronic pain? - nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors, narcotics or opioid
What is pain classification? - Pain classification is how the pain feels such as
rushing, throbbing, pulsating, twisting, pulling, burning, searing, stabbing, tearing,
biting, blinding, nauseating, debilitating
What is acute pain? - usually associated with injury; short duration; usually
controlled with analgesics (pain killers)
What is chronic pain? - pain that may continue for months or years; often
associated with conditions such as arthritis or chronic back pain; may be treated
with pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions
What is nociceptive pain? - involves injury to the tissue; may be found in skin,
joints, or organ viscera; four phases; treatments are aimed at one or all four
What are the 4 phases of nociceptive pain? - transduction, transmission,
perception, modulation; NSAIDs work at blocking transduction; Opioids block
transmission; distraction and guided imagery block perception; drugs that block
[Solved] Client-Centered Care Exam I With Verified Questions and Verified Answers
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- Submitted On 30 May, 2024 12:47:32
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- Emmaculate
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- Solutions : 365
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Client-Centered Care Exam I With Verified Questions and Verified Answers
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