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CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest Updated 2024

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CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest 
Updated 2024

Babies born between these hours of the day or more at risk to receive supplementation: -
Pitocin during labor may inhibit the body's natural process of oxytocin release for up to how 
many days postpartum? - Day 2.
Labor and birth interventions may: - Delay the onset of milk coming in amd/or cause need 
for extra breastfeeding support in the early hours/days postpartum.
The most powerful step in influencing breast feeding outcomes directly following birth? -
Delaying a bath for how many hours post-birth raises EBF rates? -2-12 hours post birth.
In-hospital supplementation of formula lead to: -2.5 -6X higher risk of early weaning.
What is the percentage of infection rate with lanolin versus non-lanolin creams? - 62% 
infection rate with lanolin users. Non-lanolin users 18%.
The Thompson Method found two common practices are most associated with nipple pain 
and trauma... - A hand on the back of babies head and shaping the breast. These common 
practices may interfere with the babies inter-oral function by restricting movement of the 
cranial cervical spine and nuchal alignment, greatly related to nipple trauma.
Lactose Overload - Too much lactose in the gut can cause bacterial fermentation, gas, acid 
buildup, which leads to abdominal pain and flatulence in the infant. Most commonly 
associated with explosive, frothy green stools.
Percentage of breast abscess positive for MRSA? - 60%. Needs to be assessed by HCP for 
Uncommon and emergent mastitis: - The tissues of both breasts are inflamed. Strep is a 
probable organism - potentially fatal with whole body inflammation and probable sepsis. 
Immediate concern to be seen by HCP.
A reasonable cut off for treating symptomatic hypoglycemia in infants is what glucose blood 
level? - 40 mg/dL
Pathological Jaundice - Before 24 hours of age. Usually due to sepsis or blood 
Early Onset Jaundice - Between 72-96 hours. Often called physiological or "starvation" or 
"lack of breastfeeding jaundice." Frequently related to underfeeding.
Late Onset Jaundice - Breast milk jaundice may actually be related to metabolic or other 
issues with the infant. Presents in second week and persist for up to 12 weeks.
Kanagroo Mother Care - A special kind of skin to skin holding for premature and fragile 
babies that has been shown to decrease mortality by 36%, as well as sepsis, hypoglycemia, 
hypothermia, and hospital admission.
Preterm babies who receive kangaroo care: - Better long-term psychological and can 
genitive control, improve cerebral blood flow, improved weight gain, may have nostrils 
decolonized by MRSA/MRSE, have a sleep patterns that are more mature, warmer and more 
physiologically stable, burn fewer calories than in the incubator, and may have better 
breastfeeding outcomes.
Extremely premature infants who receive an exclusive human milk diet have significantly 
lower as of which incidences? - NEC (Necrotizing enterocolitis) and mortality.
During lactation there is a what percent decrease in bone density? - 3% to 9% decrease.
Newborn expectations: - 10-12 feedings per 24 hour time, several bowel movements every 
day from day 2 through the first 6weeks (quarter sized bowels) & (4 on 4), expect stool 
color to transition to yellow and seedy by day 5, 1 + heavy wet diaper for each day of life 
until day 6. (6+ on day 6+).
A heavy wet diaper is approximately how much fluid? - 4 tablespoons.
Postpartum Mood Disorders: - Baby blues,
postpartum depression,
postpartum panic disorder,
postpartum obsessive thought disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
postpartum psychosis,
dysphoric milk ejection reflex (D-MER)
AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
ABM - Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
AGA - Appropriate for gestational age.
Alveoli - Small glands in the breast that produce breast milk.
Amenorrhea - The absence of menstruation.
Aysemmetric latch - Optimal attachment to the breast, where the babies lips are not 
centered in relationship to the areola, but rather vertically off centered, with the babies chin 
and lower lip closer to the edge of the areola and the babies upper lip.
Atopy - And allergy for which there is a genetic predisposition, such as asthma, eczema, or 
(BFHI) Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative - The UNICEF baby friendly hospital initiative, an 
international program recognizing hospitals and birth centers that implement the 10 steps to 
successful breastfeeding

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$ 34.00

[Solved] CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest Updated 2024

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  • Submitted On 28 May, 2024 07:50:48
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest Updated 2024 Babies born between these hours of the day or more at risk to receive supplementation: - 10pm-9am Pitocin during labor may inhibit the body's natural process of oxytocin release for up to how many days postpartum? - Day 2. Labor and birth interventions may: - Delay the onset of milk coming in amd/or cause need for extra breastfeeding support in the early hours/days postpartum. The most powerful step in influencing breast feeding outcomes directly following birth? - Skin-to-skin Delaying a bath for how many hours post-birth raises EBF rates? -2-12 hours post birth. In-hospital supplementation of formula lead to: -2.5 -6X higher risk of early weaning. What is the percentage of infection rate with lanolin versus non-lanolin creams? - 62% infection rate with lanolin users. Non-lanolin users 18%. The Thompson Method found two common practices are most associated with nipple pain and trauma... - A hand on the back of babies head and shaping the breast. These common practices may interfere with the babies inter-oral function by restricting movement of the cranial c...
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CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest Updated 2024

CLC- Certified Lactation Counselor Exam Latest Updated 2024 Babies born between these hours of the day or more at risk to receive supplementation: - 10pm-9am Pitocin during labor may inhibit the body's natural process ...

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