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MICROBIOLOGY EXAM WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS What is the concept of spontaneous generation? - living organisms could develop from nonliving or decomposing matter Who challenged the concept of spontaneous generation by showing that maggots on decaying meat came from flies, not from the meat itself? - Francesco Redi Who showed that mutton broth boiled in flasks and then sealed could still develop microorganisms, which supported the theory of spontaneous generation? - John Needham Who showed that flasks sealed and then boiled had no growth of microorganisms? - Lazzaro Spallanzani Who proposed that air carried germs? - Spallanzani Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation? - Louis Pasteur Who demonstrated that dust carried microbes and proved evidence for the existence of heat- resistant forms of bacteria? - John Tyndall Who showed that a silkworm disease was caused by a fungus? - Agostino Bassi Who demonstrated that the Great Potato Blight was caused by a water m
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- Submitted On 17 May, 2024 08:57:57

- Scanna
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Microbiology Fundamentals A Clinical Approach by Cowan 2nd edition chapter 15 all 103 answers

Microbiology Fundamentals A Clinical Approach, 2nd ed. by Cowan Chapter 5 WITH 77 Correct Answers.

Microbiology fundamentals A clinical approach Chapter 3 WITH 80 Correct answers.

Microbiology a fundamentals a clinical approach Chapter 12 with 120 Complete Answers.

Microbiology A Systems Approach Ch. 1, 2.2, 3 (Cowan, 4th ed.) 193 correct answers.
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