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NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With  Complete Solutions

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NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With 
Complete Solutions

What does Kerberos prove? - Identity to various services.
What is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack? - Flooding a target system 
with spam requests or exploiting vulnerabilities to render it 
What is a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack? -
Overwhelming a target system by having many infected computers 
send traffic.
What is a Smurf attack? - Flooding a subnet with ping replies by 
sending ICMP traffic.
What is an FTP bounce attack? - Exploiting the PORT command to 
gain unauthorized access to an FTP server.
What are zombies in the context of DDoS attacks? - Infected 
computers used to send traffic to a target system.
What is the byte allocation for Class A networks? - 8 bits for 
network, 24 bits for host
What is the byte allocation for Class B networks? - 16 bits for 
network, 16 bits for host
What is the byte allocation for Class C networks? - 23 bits for 
network, 8 bits for host
Do Host.Host.Host.Host addresses exist? - No, they do not exist
What is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)? - Validates user's public 
key via chain of trust.
What is Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MSCHAP)? - Authentication protocol used in PPTP-based VPNs.
What is Kerberos? - Authentication system that issues tickets to 
authorized users.
What is 802.11X? - Authentication system that uses RADIUS or 
TACACS+ servers.
What does PKI enable? - Exchange encrypted messages and 
create/validate digital signatures.
What does the data link layer do? - It uses MAC addresses to route 
What are switches designed to do? - Switches are designed to 
translate IP addresses to MAC addresses and route traffic to the 
various devices on a subnet or outside of the subnet.
What are the three common Layer 3 switching techniques? - Packet 
switching, circuit switching and message switching.
Which of the following Wide Area Network (WAN) types is a T3 
connection an example of? - Leased Line
Which of the following Wide Area Network (WAN) types are T1 and T3 
connections? - Leased line networks examples.
Which of the following Wide Area Network (WAN) types is Frame 
Relay? - Packet switched network.
Which of the following Wide Area Network (WAN) types is ISDN? -
Circuit switched network.
Which of the following Wide Area Network (WAN) types is ATM? - Cell 
switched network.
What is ipconfig? - Windows command for network information.
What does ipconfig provide? - Information about NICs, IP and MAC 
addresses, DHCP leases.
In which network topology is the right to send messages passed 
around between devices - Token ring
Which term is used for combining NICs for hardware redundancy? -
NIC teaming or NIC bonding
What are F-type connectors used for? - F-type connectors are used 
for coaxial cables.

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$ 47.50

[Solved] NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With  Complete Solutions

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  • Submitted On 13 May, 2024 05:08:39
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With Complete Solutions What does Kerberos prove? - Identity to various services. What is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack? - Flooding a target system with spam requests or exploiting vulnerabilities to render it unresponsive. What is a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack? - Overwhelming a target system by having many infected computers send traffic. What is a Smurf attack? - Flooding a subnet with ping replies by sending ICMP traffic. What is an FTP bounce attack? - Exploiting the PORT command to gain unauthorized access to an FTP server. What are zombies in the context of DDoS attacks? - Infected computers used to send traffic to a targe...
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NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With  Complete Solutions

NET + N10 – 008 Test Prep (2 Versions) With Complete Solutions What does Kerberos prove? - Identity to various services. What is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack? - Flooding a target system with spam requests or explo...

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