Contemporary Nursing Issues, Trends, & Management Chapter 1-28 9th Edition
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Test Bank For Contemporary Nursing Issues, Trends, & Management Chapter 1-28 9th Edition by Barbara Cherry, Susan R. Jacob
Chapter 01:The Evolution of Professional Nursing
1. A client asks the nurse, ―Can you explain Medicare, an amendment to the Social Security Act?‖The nurse
responds that Medicare:
a. led to many hospitalclosings,along with a
decrease in acute care hospital–based nursing
b. provided medical insurance to those younger
adults orchildren who were noteligible for
private insurance because ofcatastrophic
illnesses such ascancer.
c. provided preventive care for women,
infants, and children.
d. ensured that individualsages 65 and olderand
those with end-stage renal disease or permanent
disabilities had health care insurance.
The Medicare program provides hospital insurance, Part A, and medical insurance, Part B, to all people ages 65
and older who are eligible to receive Social Security benefits; people with total, permanent disabilities; and
people with end-stage renal disease.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 14
2. Acomparison of nursing in the 1980s to nursing in the 1990s reveals that:
a. in the 1990s nursing experienced a
significant reduction occurred in
preventable diseases caused by
b. tuberculosis was the primaryconcern for
nursing in the 1980s, whereas the AIDS
epidemic emerged and was its focus during the
c. a decrease in ambulatoryservices in the1980s
prompted an increase in public health nurses
in the 1990s.
d. the demand for advanced practice nurses
increased in the 1980s and the 1990s as aresult
of the economy and concern about the health of
the nation.
The numbers of advanced nurse practitioners increased as evidence of their cost-effectiveness as providers of
primaryand preventive health care became established.
DIF: Comprehension REF: pp. 16-17
3. Which statement accurately describes the historical perspective of nursing practice?
a. Nursing has existed to meet the needs of
populations, individuals, and aggregatesby
providing care that is determined by the needs
and beliefs of society in different historical
b. As men began to become interested in nursing,
it changed into arespected profession based
on scientificfactratherthan superstition.
c. Nursing has historically accepted
individuals fromallsocialand ethnic
d. The United States has led the waythroughout
historyto advance nursing and
health care by providing the first hospitaland
Nursing has existed since biblical times to address needs ranging from contagious diseases in earlytimes to
health prevention in the present time, with care based on health needsand beliefsof the time.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 3 |pp. 18-19
4. The use of herbs has become a popular alternative to prescription drugs in today‘s health caremilieu. During
which other historical periods did health practices focus on the use of herbs?
a. Prehistorictimesand the Middle Ages
b. Civil War period and World WarI
c. Renaissance and Reformation periodsandthe
Colonial American period
d. Crimean Warand Civil War periods
During prehistorictimes, tribes used herbsto rid themselves of disease; in the Middle Ages,women used herbs.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 6
5. A care provider sacrifices an animal and waves an herb-filled sack over a client who is complaining of
painful jointsand chest pain with exertion. This ritualrepresents health careduring:
a. the prehistoric period.
b. earlycivilization in Egypt.
c. the Renaissance.
d. the Middle Ages.
During prehistorictimes, illness wasthought to be caused by evilspirits that providers attemptedto scare away
through rituals and dances.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 3
6. A prospective nursing student who researches universitiesthat offera baccalaureate degree innursing would
want to ensure that the program is accredited bythe:
a. American Nurses Association.
b. Commission on Collegiate Nursing
c. National Institutes of Health.
d. National Nursing Council.
The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) is the agencythat exclusivelyaccredits
baccalaureate and graduate-degree nursing programs.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 4, Box 1-1
7. Clara Barton is known for:
a. becoming the first black public healthnurse.
b. establishing the Henry Street Settlement.
c. founding the American Red Cross.
d. publicizing the inadequacies of hospital-based
nursing schools.
The American Red Cross, founded by Clara Barton in 1882,assisted in efforts to continue publichealth nursing.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 11
8. Studentsare assigned to write to theirstate leadersaboutan issue affecting their community. Onestudent writes
about the need among rural community for greater access to acute care services. Which of the following pieces
of legislation should the student use as a reference?
a. Social Security Act
b. Hill-Burton Act
c. Sheppard-Towner Act
d. U.S. Civil Service Act
The purpose of the Hill-Burton Act was to provide funding to construct hospitals and to helpstates in plan for other
health care facilities in accordance with the needs ofcommunities.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 13
9. The practice of public health nursing and the Henry Street Settlement are credited to:
a. Mary Breckenridge.
b. Mary Seacole.
c. Clara Barton.
d. Lillian Wald.
Lillian Wald,a pioneer in public health nursing, is best known forthe development andestablishment of
the Henry Street Settlement.
DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 6
10. Occupational health nursing features beliefs similar to those of which early nursing pioneer?
a. Lillian Wald
b. Florence Nightingale
c. Clara Barton
d. Mary Seacole
Lillian Wald developed the first nursing service for occupational health.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 10
11. What historical event first led to the recognition of the contribution of blacks to nursing?
a. Florence Nightingale‘s acceptance of black
nurses into the first nursing school
b. The contributions of black nurses at the
Pennsylvania Hospital, the first hospital in
c. MarySeacole‘s efforts to care forsoldiersduring
the Crimean War
d. The work done bywives of wealthy blacknobles
who carried food and medicine from house to
house during the Middle Ages
Although Nightingale‘sschoolrefused Seacole, she wasable to make a difference in the CrimeanWar and later was
recognized for her efforts.
DIF: Comprehension REF: pp. 8-9
12. World WarIcontributed to the advancement of health care by:
a. increasing the number of private care hospitals
and decreasing the role of publichealth services.
b. employing a large number ofcivilians to
provide care to returning soldiers throughthe
Red Cross.
c. introducing specialists in nursing such asnurse
d. increasing the number ofcommunityhealth
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- Emmaculate
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