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Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care 7th Edition Chapter 1-50 Complete 2022-2023

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Chapter 01: 21st Century Maternity Nursing Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 7th Edition




1.      When providing care for a pregnant woman, the nurse should be aware that one of the most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors is:


diabetes mellitus.


mitral valve prolapse (MVP).


chronic hypertension.




The most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors are diabetes and hypertension associated with pregnancy. Both of these conditions are associated with maternal obesity. There are no studies that indicate MVP is among the most frequently reported maternal risk factors. Hypertension associated with pregnancy, not chronic hypertension, is one of the most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors. Although anemia is a concern in pregnancy, it is not one of the most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors in pregnancy.


PTS:   1                    DIF:    Cognitive Level: Knowledge

OBJ:   Nursing Process: Assessment           MSC: Client Needs: Physiologic Integrity


2.      To ensure optimal outcomes for the patient, the contemporary maternity nurse must incorporate both teamwork and communication with clinicians into her care delivery. The SBAR technique of communication is an easy-to-remember mechanism for communication. Which of the following correctly defines this acronym?


Situation, baseline assessment, response


Situation, background, assessment, recommendation


Subjective background, assessment, recommendation


Situation, background, anticipated recommendation


The situation, background, assessment, recommendation (SBAR) technique provides a specific framework for communication among health care providers. Failure to communicate is one of the major reasons for errors in health care. The SBAR technique has the potential to serve as a means to reduce errors.

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[Solved] Test Bank For Maternal Child Nursing Care 7th Edition Chapter 1-50 Complete 2022-2023

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  • Submitted On 09 Jun, 2023 01:25:51
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Chapter 01: 21st Century Maternity Nursing Perry: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 7th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. When providing care for a pregnant woman, the nurse should be aware that one of the most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors is: a. diabetes mellitus. b. mitral valve prolapse (MVP). c. chronic hypertension. d. anemia. ANS: A The most frequently reported maternal medical risk factors are diabetes and hypertension associated wi...
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