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You are negotiating a transaction for your client, Shark Corporation. P

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You are negotiating a transaction for your client, Shark Corporation. Parties on the other side of the deal ask you for information about the structural stability of a building, which is a significant part of the transaction. Coleman, Shark’s tax director, tells you to say that everything is all right when, in reality, the building has substantial hidden damage. Coleman tells you to say this because it would be more favorable to Shark’s position in the transaction. 

1. How would you respond to Coleman’s request? Be sure to cite research that supports your position.
2. What if you have already told the other side that the building is fine when you learn about the problems? 
3. What other potential ethics issues do you see in this situation?
4. Which AICPA Code(s) of Professional Conduct rules apply in this situation (explain how and why they apply)?
5. Cite the specific verse(s) for at least one Biblical principle that you feel is relevant to the situation (explain how and why it applies).

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$ 10.00

[Solved] You are negotiating a transaction for your client, Shark Corporation. P

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  • Submitted On 26 Nov, 2015 07:28:43
Answer posted by
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