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Assignment #3 (Week 5): Websites Review

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Assignment #3 (Week 5): Websites Review


Goal: Locate and review three websites that inform you about Crafting Strategies for international markets, or multi-business companies, or diversified companies. You may elect to review websites of specific companies themselves, but it must be clear that there is a global element to the company.

Instructions: Locate three websites in order to complete the goal stated above—international strategic planning. You may also benefit from conducting your own Internet search of international marketing strategies. Write a 600-750 word paper as a memorandum of discovery. No particular format will be observed for this paper, but organize your writing into three sections that review each of the three websites, and then write a fourth concluding section that summarizes what you gleaned from this investigation. The summary conclusion should put together the benefit of the whole experience. [Note: Keep in mind that this assignment is not aimed at reviewing articles in websites, but rather, the company websites themselves, and the international strategies that they describe.]

How To Review Websites For This Assignment:

  • Summarize the overriding purpose/thesis of each website. What is the essential message of the site? Provide a link (or address) for each website reviewed.
  • Discuss the material in the website in light of your understanding and outside research related to the material presented on the site. Do you agree or disagree with what the website presents?
  • What do you, the student, benefit from having viewed/examined this website?
  • After discussing each of the three websites, write a summary that combines what you learned from the experience. Present your own views. First person is accepted for this assignment.


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[Solved] Assignment #3 (Week 5): Websites Review

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  • Submitted On 01 Jan, 2023 03:49:16
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Assignment #3 (Week 5): Websites Review Instructions Goal: Locate and review three websites that inform you about Crafting Strategies for international markets, or multi-business companies, or diversified companies. You may elect to review websites of specific companies themselves, but it must be clear that there is a global element to the company. Instructions: Locate three websites in order to complete the goal stated above—international stra...
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