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HESI Anatomy and Physiology Questions & Answers

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HESI A2 Anatomy and Physiology Q&A 1. Which of the following hormones decreases the concentration of blood glucose? A. insulin B. glucagon C. growth hormone D. glucocorticoids 2. Which structure controls the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland? A. hypothalamus B. adrenal gland C. testes D. pancreas 3. How much of a female’s blood volume is composed of red blood cells? A. 10% B. 25% C. 40% D. 70% 4. Which type of cholesterol is considered to be the best for health? A. LDL B. HDL C. VLDL D. VHDL 5. Where are the vocal cords located? A. bronchi B. trachea C. larynx D. epiglottis 6. Where does gas exchange occur in the human body? A. alveoli B. bronchi C. larynx D. pharynx 7. What mineral is responsible for muscle contractions? A. Chloride B. Sodium C. Calcium D. Magnesium 8. In which of the following locations would the urinary bladder and internal reproductive organs be found? A. Thoracic cavity B. Mediastinum C. Abdominal cavity D. Pelvic cavity 9. What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity? A. Diaphragm B. Mediastinum C. Liver D. Lungs 10. Which of the following epithelial types is correctly matched with its major function? A. Simple squamous epithelium—secretion or absorption B. Stratified squamous epithelium—changes shape when stretched C. Stratified squamous epithelium—diffusion D. Simple columnar epithelium—secretion or absorption 11. A tissue examined under the microscope exhibits the following characteristics: cells found on internal surface of stomach, no extracellular matrix, cells tall and thin, no blood vessels in the tissue. What type of tissue is this? A. Epithelial B. Connective C. Muscle D. Cartilage E. Nervous 12. Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and connective tissue cells that are referred to as which of the following? A. Osteoblasts B. Neuroglia C. Osteocytes D. Arterioles 13. Which tissue serves as the framework of the body by providing support and structure for the organs? A. Epithelial B. Connective C. Nervous D. Muscle 14. What is the basic unit of life and the building block of tissues and organs? A. Atom B. Organelle C. Cell D. DNA 15. What is the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli called? A. External respiration B. Internal respiration C. Inhalation D. Cellular respiration 16. In order for inhalation to occur, what must happen? A. Contraction of the diaphragm, which decreases the volume of the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs B. Contraction of the diaphragm, which enlarges the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs C. Recoil of the lungs as the respiratory muscles contract, and the thorax decreases in size D. Recoil of the lungs as the respiratory muscles relax, and the thorax decreases in size 17. Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood does which of the following? A. It is carried in solution or bound to blood proteins. B. It is carried on hemoglobin. C. It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells. D. It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within the plasma. 18. How does the trachea remain open like a hollow tube? A. Air pressure inside keeps it open. B. Supporting cartilaginous rings keep it open. C. It is reinforced with bone that cannot collapse. D. Special muscles are working to keep the trachea open. 19. The stomach muscle churns and mixes food, turning the mass into a soupy substance called which of the following? A. Bolus B. Bile C. Chyme D. Feces 20. Which type of cell division takes place in the gonads? A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Binary fission D. Asexual division

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[Solved] HESI Anatomy and Physiology Questions & Answers

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  • Submitted On 15 Dec, 2022 12:08:32
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HESI Anatomy and Physiology Questions & Answers 1. Which of the following hormones decreases the concentration of...
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