OMNET++ Simulation paper
- Academia
- Rating : 60
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- Earned : $25563.50
Your task is to develop a wired network model using OMNET++ simulation tool.
Consider a Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) backbone switch connected to several Ethernet
switches (also called subnet). Let us suppose that one subnet can support up to 15
nodes (for optimum performance). So, if you are simulating a network with 60 nodes,
your network model should have 4 subnets linked to a GbE backbone.
Simulation parameters:
• Number of nodes/clients: 60
• Simulation time: 3600 Sec (longer required for Video streaming)
• Traffic type: Video streaming
• Packet type: UDP packet
• Performance metrics:
(a) Video Throughput;
(b) Video end-to-end delays;
(c) Video packet losses.
[Hint: Video streaming uses UDP transport layer protocol, and hence UDPVideoStreamCli,
UDPVideoStreamSvr can be used for video client and video Server, respectively
Final deliverable:
1. Analyze the results (including model validation) and write your report (4-6 pages) by
summarising your research findings. Hint: You can draw several graphs including the
number of clients versus video throughput, end-to-end delays, and packet losses. .
2. Explain step by step on how you design the OMNET++ Simulation
3. Submit the OMNET++ project file
[Solved] OMNET++ Simulation paper
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- Submitted On 17 Oct, 2022 02:53:21
- Academia
- Rating : 60
- Grade : A+
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 4595
- Blog : 1
- Earned : $25563.50