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LETRS Unit 2 - Session 1- 8 Questions and Answers 100% Verified

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LETRS Unit 2 - Session 1- 8 Questions and Answers 100% Verified


The brain's phonological processing system must be _______ and _____ educated to perceive and produce the speech sounds of language for an individual to read and write.

{{Ans- activated and educated

__________ processing entails multiple functions, such as perceiving, interpreting, storing (remembering), recalling or retrriving, and generating the speech sound system of a language.

{{Ans- Phonological


Several kinds of _______ __________ predict the ability to read, spell and write between Kindergarten and Second Grade.

{{Ans- phonological tasks

_____________ _____________, especially segmenting and blending individual sounds in simple spoken words, predicts future reading problems in kindergarten and beginning first grade better than other phonological tasks such as rhyming, allieteration,word repetition, or syllable counting.

{{Ans- Phonemic awareness


Phonemic Awareness is ________ for learning to read and write in any alphabetic writing system.

{{Ans- critical

_____________ tests given to Kindergarten and First grade students have the best predictive validity if they include measures of phoneme segmentation, phoneme manipulation, or phoneme representation in phonetic spelling

{{Ans- Screening


Phonemes are coarticulated or __________ together in words; sometimes sounds that blend into one another are difficult to separate.

{{Ans- smushed

Because of ________________, individual phonemes are pronounced somewhat differently depending on the speech sounds before and ater them.

{{Ans- coarticulation


___________ is one of a set of 15 phonemes in English and classified by tongue position and height (high to low and front to back).

{{Ans- Vowel

Every ____________ must have a vowel.

{{Ans- syllable


________________ is an intelligible version of a language with systematic differences in phonology, word use, and/or grammatical rules.

{{Ans- Dialect

__________ ____________ is the conscious effort to write and/or speak in a certain way, depending on the social context and/or whether the language is spoken or written. People are more formal in the presence of authorities and nurturing around children.

{{Ans- Code switching


Some Kindergarten and First Grade students should start with the most basic ____________ listening, speaking and word awareness skills are not ready to start with manipulation of individual phonemes.

{{Ans- preparatory

__________________ readers according to Ehri's phase should begin with basic preparatory listening, speaking and word awareness.

{{Ans- Prealphabetic


All screening assessments that align with scientific research on the prevention of reading difficulties include some assessment of ____________ _____________ in Kindergarten and First grade. {{Ans- phonological awareness

Screening and diagnostic assessments often begin with phoneme ___________ and ___________ tasks because those tasks are the most reliable and accurate predictors of word recognition. {{Ans- segmentation and blending

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$ 11.00

[Solved] LETRS Unit 2 - Session 1- 8 Questions and Answers 100% Verified

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  • Submitted On 13 Oct, 2022 02:37:14
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
LETRS Unit 2 - Session 1- 8 Questions and Answers 100% Verified SESSION 1: The brain's phonological processing system must be _______ and _____ educated to perceive and produce the speech sounds of language for an individual to read and write. {{Ans- activated and educated __________ processing entails multiple functions, such as perceiving, interpreting, storing (remembering), recalling or retrriving, and generating the speech sound system of a language. {{Ans- Phonological SESSION 2: Several kinds of _______ __________ predict the ability to read, spell and write between Kindergarten and Second Grade. {{Ans- phonological tasks _____________ _____________, especially segmenting and blending individual sounds in simple spoken words, predicts future reading problems i...
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