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MKT_625_module_8_case_study.docx 8-2 Case Study: Evaluate a Sample Marketing Plan MKT

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MKT_625_module_8_case_study.docx    8-2 Case Study: Evaluate a Sample Marketing Plan  MKT 625   Southern New Hampshire University    Concepts and Goals  The sample marketing plan has many areas that are not clearly defined. Overall, the plan outlines the need to increase sales of the XYZ Energy Drink. The company understands some information about its target market and the demographic trends of the market. As the year progresses it has outlined some ideas to engage their target market in their preferred social media sites of Facebook and Twitter.  To reach their market the company intends to create a Facebook community to create a connection with their chosen demographic and uses their interests to engage them. According to Cowman of Smart Insights when looking at the plan they are indeed using a plan that looks to reach their target market, act on it, convert them, and engage. œReach involves building awareness and visibility of your brand, products and services on other websites and in offline media in order to build traffic by driving visits to different web presences like your main site, microsites or social media pages (Cowman, 2020).  By the end of the year the goal is to partner with a large online skateboarding retailer. This will help with the visibility within their target market. Utilization of contests to gain awareness and engage their target market, creating a hashtag, and utilization of the two social media platforms that they frequent is an excellent way to discover customers.  Strengths and 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] MKT_625_module_8_case_study.docx 8-2 Case Study: Evaluate a Sample Marketing Plan MKT

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 02:23:21
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MKT_625_module_8_case_study.docx 8-2 Case Study: Evaluate a Sample Marketing Plan MKT 625 Southern New Hampshire University Concepts and Goals The sample marketing plan has many areas that are not clearly defined. Overall, the plan outlines the need to increase sales of the XYZ Energy Drink. The company understands some information about its target market and the demograp...
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