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MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx MKT 229: Milestone III During the multiple facets of the camp

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MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx    MKT 229: Milestone III  During the multiple facets of the campaign for the Furry Flier, many KPI™s will be used to track each separate goal of the campaign™s success. As the first goal is to achieve an increase in social media response the KPI™s for that specific goal will revolve around the social media marketing channel. This goal will rely heavily on the use of Facebook and Twitter each of which provides analysis for the tracking of the campaign™s success. On Facebook, the number of likes, and daily/weekly/ and monthly impressions and engaged users will be closely monitored to ensuring that the company™s advertisements are being well received.  This data will be used to make changes to the advertisements is specific ads are not seeing as much engagement. By consistently looking at the KPI™s the company can ensure that most engaging ads are run most frequently thereby eliminating marketing waste. On Twitter, the analytics tracking follows, mentions, impressions, and retweets will be closely monitored to ensure tweets are being well received. Once again by closely monitoring the analytics the style and format of tweets can be shifted to ensure the campaign is reaching the most potential consumers. Using the analytics in this way ensures that the KPI™s are fulfilling their purpose which is to œhelp inform better decision making when it comes to the relevancy of certain advertisements on social media (, 2020).             Another goal of the campaign is to increase sa

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$ 7.00

[Solved] MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx MKT 229: Milestone III During the multiple facets of the camp

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 02:21:53
Answer posted by
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MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx MKT 229: Milestone III During the multiple facets of the campaign for the Furry Flier, many KPI™s will be used to track each separate goal of the campaign™s success. As the first goal is to achieve an increase in social media response the KPI™s for that specific goal will revolve around the social media marketing channel. This goal will rely heavil...
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MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx MKT 229: Milestone III During the multiple facets of the camp

MKT_229_Milestone_3.docx MKT 229: Milestone III During the multiple facets of the campaign for the Furry Flier, many KPI™s will be used to track each separate goal of the campaign™s success. As the first goal is to ac...

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