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MKT_229_Journal_3.docx MKT 229 Journal 3-2 The first goal of this marketing campaign w

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MKT_229_Journal_3.docx    MKT 229 Journal 3-2  The first goal of this marketing campaign will be to reach the consumer, specifically to increase digital response from social media platforms and PPC advertising to the Furry Flier by 25% over the next quarter. This digital marketing campaign can easily be traced by looking at digital KPI™s and using metrics such as likes, retweets, and follows to observe how many consumers are interested in the product. This goal will influence strategies and tactics by directing the way the digital media platforms for the company are used. The underlying strategy will be to use digital platforms to inform the consumer about the new product while the day to day tactics will be to engage the consumer to ensure they are viewing the product. Responding to consumers on social media platforms and answering email questions regarding the product will be just some of the ways this goal influences day to day tactics of this particular campaign. Within the company, this goal will be presented as a way to inform the consumer of this new product and get knowledge about the product out and available to the public. This will be presented as the first of a three-phase goal-oriented approach to increasing sales of the Furry Flier.             The second goal will be to drive consumers to the online store using the first goal set up in the campaign. This goal specifically will be to increase online sales revenue by 35% over the quarter following the end of the first goal. This goal w

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$ 7.00

[Solved] MKT_229_Journal_3.docx MKT 229 Journal 3-2 The first goal of this marketing campaign w

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 02:21:40
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MKT_229_Journal_3.docx MKT 229 Journal 3-2 The first goal of this marketing campaign will be to reach the consumer, specifically to increase digital response from social media platforms and PPC advertising to the Furry Flier by 25% over the next quarter. This digital marketing campaign can easily be traced by looking at digital KPI™s and using metrics such as likes, retwee...
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MKT_229_Journal_3.docx MKT 229 Journal 3-2 The first goal of this marketing campaign w

MKT_229_Journal_3.docx MKT 229 Journal 3-2 The first goal of this marketing campaign will be to reach the consumer, specifically to increase digital response from social media platforms and PPC advertising to the Furry Fl...

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