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Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research 8th Edition Test Bank

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Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research 8th Edition Test Bank

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[Solved] Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research 8th Edition Test Bank

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  • Submitted On 22 Sep, 2022 09:10:33
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Chapter 1. Discovering the World of Nursing Research MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which best describes evidence-based-practice (EBP)? a.A combination of best research evidence, clinical expertise, and the needs and values of patients. b.A determination of the factors necessary to control patient responses to care. c.The development of population care guidelines applicable to all patients. d.The utilization of quantitative and qualitative studies to enhance patient outcomes. ANS: A Feedback AEvidence-based practice evolves from the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient needs and values. BStudies that attempt to find determinants of patient outcomes are generally experimental or quasi-experimental. They may be used to guide EBP but do not completely define it. CEBP is a combination of guidelines and specific patient needs and values. DQuantitative and qualitative studies applied to the evaluation of patient outcomes are part of EBP but do not completely define EBP. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive level: Remembering (Knowledge) REF: MCS: 3 2. The nurse is collecting data about the sleep patterns of breastfed babies as part of a larger research study. Which research method will the nurse use when collecting data for this study? a.Control b.Description c.Explanation d.Prediction ANS: B Feedback AControl can be described as the ability to write a prescription to produce the desired outcome. B Description involves identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and the relationships among these phenomena. C Explanation clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies why certain events occur. D Through prediction, the probability of a specific outcome can be estimated in a given situation. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension) REF: MCS: 6 3. The nurse is participating in a study and is collecting data identifying the number of obese adults whose parents were also obese or overweight. Which research method is being used in this study? a.Control b.Description c.Explanation d.Prediction ANS: D Feedback AControl indicates the ability to use a prescribed intervention to produce a desired outcome. BDescription involves identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and the relationships among these phenomena. CExplanation clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies why certain events occur. DThrough prediction the probability of a specific outcome can be estimated in a given situation. By knowing the percentage of parents of obese adults who were obese, the probability of predicting this may be calculated. PTS:1DIF:Cognitive level: Applying (Application) REF: pp. 7-8 4. The nurse reviews a study in which adherence to an asthma action plan is compared among groups of adolescents who received different asthma education. Which research method does this represent? a.Control b.Description c.Explanation d. Prediction ANS: C Feedback A Control indicates the ability to use a prescribed intervention to produce a desired outcome. B Description involves identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and the relationships among these phenomena. C Explanation clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies why certain events occur. D Through prediction, the probability of a specific outcome can be estimated in a given situation. ...
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