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IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation Pu

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IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx     Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation  Purdue Global University  Wireless Connectivity  As technology continues to advance over time, wireless connectivity provides a more convenient option to ensure all devices in a given setting are connected to the internet. Today, there are many devices we use that require internet capability for proper functionality such as: smartphones, tablets, streaming hardware, and other mobile devices. According Webopedia (2006) wireless networks use radio frequency technology (RF) and computers must have network adapters installed to connect to an access point. Network adapters typically come installed on the computer however, add-on adapters are available if the system does not come pre-equipped.  Network security protocols  Wireless networks are often accessed by multiple users and devices at a time and therefore require security protocols to ensure information is protected. Additionally, security protocols ensure the integrity of data as it is transmitted over a wireless connection. The ‘Secure Sockets Layer” (SSL) protocol provides data encryption and origin authentication to safeguard sensitive data and maintain a secure internet connection (IBM,2020). According to IBM (2020) the “Transport Layer Security” (TLS) protects data while being transferred by providing privacy and message authentication for data being transmitted through the FTP control. VPNs (virtual private networks) can also be used to securely transmit dat

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$ 7.00

[Solved] IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation Pu

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  • Submitted On 22 Sep, 2022 02:01:29
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IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation Purdue Global University Wireless Connectivity As technology continues to advance over time, wireless connectivity provides a more convenient option to ensure all devices in a given setting are connected to the internet. Today, there are many devices we use that require internet capability for pr...
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IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation Pu

IT530_Assignment_Unit_5.doc.docx Wireless Connectivity and Security Implementation Purdue Global University Wireless Connectivity As technology continues to advance over time, wireless connectivity provides a more conv...

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