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IT283_Unit_8.docx(1) IT283 Networking with TCP/IP Unit Assignment #8 Purdue University

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IT283_Unit_8.docx(1)  IT283  Networking with TCP/IP Unit Assignment #8  Purdue University Global IT283:   Networking with TCP/IP   Unit Assignment #8 Part One:  1.  In a short essay, explain the TCP sliding window. What is its purpose?  Its what's used to limit the amount of data a host can send before an acknowledgment must be received. “A TCP window is the amount of unacknowledged data a sender can send on a particular connection before it gets an acknowledgment back from the receiver, that it has received some of the data.” (, pulled 2021).  This helps in limiting traffic on the network as if one segment of a packet is not received it will only resend the lost segment of the packet and then once the destination device has received all packets it will send the acknowledgement that it has received all packets.  2. In a short essay, explain why checksum calculations for UDP and TCP are mandatory under IPv6. Discuss the fields in the IPv6 TCP pseudo-header. How are they used?  The checksums ensure a packet is transmitted properly without being altered. “When running UDP over IPv6, the checksum is mandatory and a pseudo-header is used to imitate the actual IPv6 header”. (Carrell J. L., Chappell L., & Tittel E. (2012) It is mandatory due to the fact IPv6 requires no checksum field within the header. The larger space within the IPv6 is modified to accommodate. The pseudo-header is used instead to imitate a IPv6 header and contains the Source and Destination address field.  3. Resea

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[Solved] IT283_Unit_8.docx(1) IT283 Networking with TCP/IP Unit Assignment #8 Purdue University

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  • Submitted On 22 Sep, 2022 01:45:51
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IT283_Unit_8.docx(1) IT283 Networking with TCP/IP Unit Assignment #8 Purdue University Global IT283: Networking with TCP/IP Unit Assignment #8 Part One: 1. In a short essay, explain the TCP sliding window. What is its purpose? Its what's used to limit the amount of data a host can send before an acknowledgment must be received. “A TCP window is the amount of unackno...
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