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Week_5_Assignment.docx PSY8501 Week 5 Data Analysis and Application Capella University

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Week_5_Assignment.docx  PSY8501  Week 5 Data Analysis and Application  Capella University  PSY8501       Factorial experimental designs allow for researchers to study more than one independent variable within the same experiment (Goodwin, 2017). For the purpose of this assignment, using the Caffeine, Exercise and Heart Rate Dataset a two-way factorial ANOVA will be completed utilizing SPSS and analyzed.   Data File Description   The data file used for this assignment is the Caffeine, Exercise and Heart Rate Dataset. The dependent variable used is the heart rate and is a ratio scale. The independent variables are caffeine (Factor A) and exercise (Factor B) and are measured on a nominal scale. The analysis will be a 2x2 factorial, each factor has two levels. For caffeine it is measured by 150mg of caffeine and no caffeine which is a nominal scale as there is no numeric value or ranking order of the data. Exercise also has two levels, no exercise and half hour of exercise and they also are on a nominal scale as they dont carry numerical value or ranking order. The sample size is 16 participants (N =16).   Testing Assumptions   The two-way ANOVA assumes that scores of the dependent variable (Y) is quantitative. Testing assumes that the scores can be observed independently and that there are no significant outliers within the data and there should be a normal distribution of the data (Warner, 2013). Testing assumes that there is homogeneity of variances for each of the independent variables (Warner, 2

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[Solved] Week_5_Assignment.docx PSY8501 Week 5 Data Analysis and Application Capella University

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 10:42:58
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Week_5_Assignment.docx PSY8501 Week 5 Data Analysis and Application Capella University PSY8501 Factorial experimental designs allow for researchers to study more than one independent variable within the same experiment (Goodwin, 2017). For the purpose of this assignment, using the Caffeine, Exercise and Heart Rate Dataset a two-way factorial ANOVA will be completed ut...
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