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Week 7 Assignment 1.docx IT Security and User Policy Unit 7 Assignment Capella Univers

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Week 7 Assignment 1.docx    IT Security and User Policy  Unit 7 Assignment Capella University  What I would like cover specifically in the IT Policy recommendation for users is password usage, password creation, and even resetting passwords for accounts that deal with Sarbanes Oxley, AKA, SOx violations. The reason these are huge is because every company should have user and admin accounts that have different requirements for password length and processes for changing them.  First and foremost what I would like to cover are password usage and creation. According to Rose Doherty, some of the common guidelines for admin accounts are things such as 8- character minimum, dont require special characters, and not having common password reset periods. From personal experience I will agree having longer passwords doesnt necessarily  mean that is less effective. However, my personal preference for an admin level account is a cycle of resetting it once every 60 days, at least 16 characters in length, and it requires special characters. For a common, non-admin level account I would require 8 characters in length, password reset cycle of 90 days, and it requires special characters. On top of this all accounts would require to be a different password and you couldnt reuse a password for 10 passwords. What this means is you cant use the first password until youve used 10 other passwords first [ CITATION Ros19 \l 1033 ].  The next thing I want to talk about when implementing the IT Policy for passwords is Sarbanes O

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Week 7 Assignment 1.docx IT Security and User Policy Unit 7 Assignment Capella Univers

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 10:41:49
Answer posted by
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Week 7 Assignment 1.docx IT Security and User Policy Unit 7 Assignment Capella University What I would like cover specifically in the IT Policy recommendation for users is password usage, password creation, and even resetting passwords for accounts that deal with Sarbanes Oxley, AKA, SOx violations. The reason these are huge is because every company should have user and adm...
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