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U4 Assignment.docx U4_Assignment 1. Imagine that you are tasked with storing digital f

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U4 Assignment.docx  U4_Assignment  1.   Imagine that you are tasked with storing digital files for a feature length movie that is in production. Suggest and defend a solution that meets the needs of large data files (500 T) that can be easily accessed for editing and stored safely.  The easiest way to store and transfer large data files would be to use cloud storage.  Cloud storage can be accessed from any device that has internet access so that offers versatility on who can access it as long as they have the accessing credentials to log into it.  Cloud storage is also backed up constantly and regularly so it can not be “lost”, there isnt only one physical copy of the movie that can be destroyed, and the movie lost.  Cloud storage is also more secure because it is password protected rather than a physical copy that can be stolen and inserted to be played on any device.  Cloud storage also is cost effective by including the individual software licenses into the monthly prices of the cloud storage price.  2.   Compare the architectures of virtual machine-based and container-based virtualization. Be sure to provide insights on the host operating system, storage and software deployment issues of both technologies, and the relationship between Linux container services and Windows platforms.  A Virtual Machine is built of a single hardware that is built starting from an infrastructure. The next layer is a hypervisor, and as I understand the hypervisor is a system that will run many other operating

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$ 7.00

[Solved] U4 Assignment.docx U4_Assignment 1. Imagine that you are tasked with storing digital f

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 10:28:19
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U4 Assignment.docx U4_Assignment 1. Imagine that you are tasked with storing digital files for a feature length movie that is in production. Suggest and defend a solution that meets the needs of large data files (500 T) that can be easily accessed for editing and stored safely. The easiest way to store and transfer large data files would be to use cloud storage. Cloud stora...
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