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Select a Company for the Individual Research PowerPoint

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Course Project Overview
Individual Course Project Presentation
The objective of this Individual Research Presentation is to provide the opportunity for you to
recognize and apply the four principles of management: planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling and how they correlate into everyday activities in a Fortune 500 company.
This is an individual assignment.
In the sections below, you will find helpful information for completing your Individual Research
Presentation. Your assignment is to review and discover how your company developed a
successful Fortune 500 company (EXCLUDING the Top 20 companies) by means of utilizing
the four principles of management.
 This course project is broken down into 3 deliverables. 
 Each student is required to prepare a total of three (3) PowerPoint presentations over the
course of the session.  These PowerPoint presentations will be at MINIMUM 4 to 6 slides
depending on the content (excluding appendices, reference page(s), and title page), see
the rubrics for each submission below.
Steps to Select a Company for the Individual Research PowerPoint
 Select and access a Fortune 500 company of interest. Go to,
excluding Top 20.
 Review: Introducing the 2018 Fortune 500 video (bottom right).
 Also, utilize List of Fortune 500 companies and their websites at
Note: Please copy and paste the two links above, and open in a new window page for access.
In developing the PowerPoint, select a company of interest to you, excluding the Top 20 listed.
Yes, this means that you have 480 companies to research and learn more about their managerial
approaches to success. Think of yourself as an employee looking to move to lower level
management. Look for a company that you personally may have dealings with as a consumer to
accentuate your future customer considerations.
Course Project Presentation  (Total 325 points)

Instructions: Follow the instructions in the rubric below to complete your Course Project
Assignment. This PowerPoint should be formatted in APA, including a title and reference slide.
Please do not use Wiki as a viable source. You are required to have a minimum of 12 slides
(maximum of 18) and 10 distinct references not including the textbook.  CAPSIM: Intro to
Business can count as 1 distinct reference.
Part 1:  Title page, History, Mission/Vision, & Leadership - Due Week 3
Part 2:  Research & Development and Marketing - Due Week 6
Part 3:  Production, Finance, and Strategy - Due Week 8
Part 1
Section Description Points
Slide 1
Title Page

 Title of your Top Fortune 500
Company Paper
 Course Name, Your name, Instructor
Name, and Presentation Date

10 points

Slide 2

 Research and identify an overview
detailing the history of the selected
company to include how long they
have been in Fortune 500

20 points

Slide 3

Identify company mission and vision
statement 10 points

Slide 4

 Define the leadership team and their
roles. Who are the top executives
and their responsibility?  You can
provide an organizational chart if
you like.

20 points


 There are correctly produced APA
parenthetical citations for each
applicable side and reference page
slide. You must have a minimum of
three external research sources, in
addition to the text.
 Proper spelling, grammar, and
organization are used.

10 points

Total Points
Possible   70 Points

Part 2
Section Description Points
Slides 5-6
Research &

  Distinguish which function(s) of
management are being used in the
company’s research &
 How is R & D conducted at this
company? What is new product or
service they are working on?

40 points

Slides 7-8

   Distinguish which function(s) of
management are being used in the
company’s marketing efforts. 
 How is the company marketing its
 Do they have a social media

40 points


 There are correctly produced APA
parenthetical citations for each
applicable side and reference page
slide. You must have a minimum of
three external research sources, in
addition to the text.
 Proper spelling, grammar, and
organization are used.

5 points

Total Points
Possible   85 points
Part 3
Section Description Points

Slides 9-10

  Distinguish which function(s) of
management are being used in the
company’s production and
 How is are production and
operations conducted at this
 What is their measure of
 How do they conduct quality? Are
they certified?

50 points

Slides 11-12

  Distinguish which function(s) of
management are being used in the
company’s financial efforts. 
Looking at their annual report, how
is the company doing financially? 
 What is their current stock price? Is
it up or down compared to a year

50 points

Slides 13-14

  Distinguish which function(s) of
management are being used in the
company’s strategy efforts. 
 Describe how your company
created a sustainable competitive
 Who are their competitors – how
many and what’s their threat level
(see Porter’s Five Factors).  Was
their strategy Cost Leadership or
Differentiation?  What was the
result of strategy used?

60  points

Slide 15 -

 There are correctly produced APA
parenthetical citations for each
applicable side and reference page
slide. You must have a minimum of
three external research sources, in
addition to the text.
 Proper spelling, grammar, and
organization are used.

10 points

Total Points

Available Answer
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[Solved] Select a Company for the Individual Research PowerPoint

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  • Submitted On 20 Sep, 2022 06:25:15
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Microsoft is multinational technology company headquartered in Redmond. It was founded by Bill gates and Paul Allen in 1...
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