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Qualitive paper.docx Qualitative Background or Introduction The purpose of this study

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qualitive paper.docx  Qualitative   Background or Introduction  The purpose of this study is to take a look at the patients perspective on fall prevention. There have been other studies that have represented patients perspective in community settings, there is not as much evidence for patients opinions in the acute care setting. For fall prevention to be effective it takes the entire staff, but it also has to include the patients view. This study is to inform about patients perspective of fall prevention and also aid in the design of patient centered strategies.   Review of the Literature  The article begins by explaining other articles that have been done about fall risk but also explains how there less articles about acute care settings, and also about the patients perspective. The article cites other articles about how patients want be involved in their fall prevention plan. Also how it should be individualized to fit every patients needs. A qualitative study was designed to describe the patients perspective of their own fall risk and of the fall prevention interventions implemented by nursing staff. The study was reviewed and approved by the local Institutional Review Board (Radecki, Reynolds, & Kara, 2018).   Data Analysis  The article begins to explain how the data was analyzed. They began this after five interviews were completed. This was all done at one facility, all individuals spoke English and none of the patients were in the ICU.  Data was constantly being reviewed; it was being revie

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[Solved] qualitive paper.docx Qualitative Background or Introduction The purpose of this study

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 06:46:49
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
qualitive paper.docx Qualitative Background or Introduction The purpose of this study is to take a look at the patients perspective on fall prevention. There have been other studies that have represented patients perspective in community settings, there is not as much evidence for patients opinions in the acute care setting. For fall prevention to be effective it takes the e...
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qualitive paper.docx Qualitative Background or Introduction The purpose of this study

Qualitive paper.docx Qualitative Background or Introduction The purpose of this study is to take a look at the patients perspective on fall prevention. There have been other studies that have represented patients perspect...

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