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Read the case study titled ‘Developing a Missile: The power of Autonomy and Learning’ Before starting this assignment.

    Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

    Formulate a one (1) paragraph vision statement for the team project as project leader for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program.

    2.     Analyze key actions that Terry Little took to foster higher levels of performance, and recommend, in retrospect, a new course of action for a comprehensive organizational change as if you were in his position.

    3.     Describe the fallacies, consistencies, and inconsistencies that emerged from Terry Little’s leadership tactics, geared toward inspiring the team to greater heights. Construct an argument for how you would have acted differently than Terry Little and support the position.

    4.     Recommend at least three (3) strategies to the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program management team with a view to improving its operational performance. Provide three (3) specific examples to support the response…..

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$ 10.00

[Solved] BUS-518-Assignment-3-Developing-

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  • Submitted On 12 Oct, 2015 07:07:02
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