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Read the case study titled “A Peaceful Evacuation: Building a Multi-Project Battalion by Leading Upward.” before starting this assignment.

Write a 3-5 pages paper in which you:

Describe the leadership style that Lieutenant Colonel Yaron exhibited as the commander of a battalion for theevacuation operation. Provide three (3) examples of his leadership actions and behavior. Discuss the pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.

Analyze the leadership style that Lieutenant Colonel Daniel exhibited as he took center stage to lead this complex military operation. Provide three (3) examples of his leadership actions and behavior, assessing the pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.

Compare and contrast the leadership styles of Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel. Provide three (3) examples of the similarities and differences between these project leaders, and discuss how each leader might address contemporary leadership issues and challenges in Israel today.

Discuss Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel interrelationship using Jung theory and the four (4) personality traits. Provide three (3) examples of how Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel personality and leadership style might enhance or hinder team performance for the complex military operation in this case study.




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[Solved] BUS-518-Assignment-1-A-Peaceful-EBattalion-by-Leading-Up

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  • Submitted On 12 Oct, 2015 06:57:04
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