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COM FP3700 Assessment4 1.docx Running head: CONFLICT NEGOTIATION AND RESOLUTION

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COM FP3700   Assessment4 1.docx  Running head: CONFLICT NEGOTIATION AND RESOLUTION                                            1  COM FP3700  Conflict Negotiation and Resolution  Capella University   Introduction  Conflict is something that is unavoidable in any organization; how you manage it is what makes the difference. Positive conflict can result in collaborative conversations that lead to new and unique innovations, where negative conflict can cause even the biggest organization to crumble. Conflict among the leadership team sets the tone for the entire organization and negative conflict sets the example that this is acceptable behavior. The purpose of this paper is to assist the executive leadership team of this organization to understand why conflict is occurring, how it is affecting the organization, and provide strategies to resolve any future negative conflicts.  Why Does Conflict Occur?  Conflict can occur for many reasons, such as, poor communication, personality clashes, differences in values, and an unhealthy work environment (Johnson, 2019). In this organization I believe the majority of the conflict in the executive leadership team stems from a lack of diversity. According to Zojceska (2018), diversity in the workplace consists of œvarying gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, languages, education, abilities, etc.. Diversity is highly important in any organization because it allows group collaborative decisions to benefit from different perspectives

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$ 7.00

[Solved] COM FP3700 Assessment4 1.docx Running head: CONFLICT NEGOTIATION AND RESOLUTION

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  • Submitted On 07 Aug, 2022 03:36:47
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COM FP3700 Assessment4 1.docx Running head: CONFLICT NEGOTIATION AND RESOLUTION 1 COM FP3700 Conflict Negotiation and Resolution Capella University Introduction Conflict is something that is unavoidable in any organization; how you manage it is what makes the difference. Positive conflict can result in collaborative conversations ...
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