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CIS 333 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Identifying Potential Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

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CIS 333 Week 4 Assignment 1 

Identifying Potential Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities


You have just been hired as an Information Security Engineer for a video game development company. The organization network structure is identified in the below network diagram and specifically contains:

1) 2 – Firewalls
2) 1 – Web / FTP server
3) 1 – Exchange Email server
4) 1 – Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
5) 2 – Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain Controllers (DC)
6) 3 – File servers
7) 1 – Wireless access point (WAP)
8) 100 – Desktop / Laptop computers
9) VoIP telephone system

The CIO has seen reports of malicious activity being on the rise and has become extremely concerned with the protection of the intellectual property and highly sensitive data maintained by your organization.As one of your first tasks with the organization, the CIO requested you identify and draft a report identifying potential malicious attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities specific to your organization. Further,the CIO would like you to briefly explain each item and the potential impact it could have on the

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1. Analyze and assess any potential malicious attacks and threats that may be carried out against the network.
2. Illustrate in writing the potential impact of all identified malicious attacks and threats to the network and the organization.
3. Analyze and assess all potential vulnerabilities that may exist in the documented network.

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[Solved] CIS 333 Week 4 Assignment 1 – Identifying Potential Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

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  • Submitted On 16 Nov, 2014 08:26:00
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The CIO has seen reports of malicious activity being on the rise and has become extremely concerned with the protection of the intelle...

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[Solved] Identifying Potential Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

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  • Submitted On 13 Nov, 2014 08:53:34
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Identifying Potential Malicious Attacks, T...

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[Solved] A+ - CIS 333 Week 4 Assignment 1

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  • Average Rating for this solution is A+
  • Submitted On 17 Nov, 2014 04:20:30
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Malicious Attacks

At the point when classifying the potential malicious attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities that this organization faced, it has been dead set that our mach...

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