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CIS 333 Week 10 Technical Project Paper – Information Systems Security

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CIS 333 Week 10 Technical Project Paper

Information Systems Security


You are the Information Security Officer for a small pharmacy did Has recently been opened in the local shopping mall. The daily operational of a pharmacy is a unique business requires a combination of did Both physical and logical access controls to protect medication and funds maintained located on the premises and personally identifiable information and protected health information of your customers. Your Has supervisor tasked you with inherently Identifying Risks associated with this pharmacy and Establishing physical and logical access control methods thatwill mitigate the Risks Identified.


1) firewall (1)

2) Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain

Controller (DC) (1)

3) file servers (1)

4) Desktop computers (4)

5) Dedicated T1 Connection (1)


Write a twelve (12) page paper in Which you:


Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page paper in which you:

1. Identify and analyze any potential physical vulnerabilities and threats that require consideration.

2. Identify and analyze any potential logical vulnerabilities and threats that require consideration.

3. Illustrate in writing the potential impact of all identified physical vulnerabilities and threats to the network and the pharmacy.

4. Identify all potential vulnerabilities that may exist in the documented network.

5. Illustrate in writing the potential impact of all identified logical vulnerabilities to the network and the pharmacy.

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[Solved] CIS 333 Week 10 Technical Project Paper – Information Systems Security | Rated A+

  • This Solution has been Purchased 17 time
  • Submitted On 16 Nov, 2014 08:44:02
Answer posted by
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In consideration of the security of the network of the pharmacy, the following physical vulnerabilities and threats are to be considered. The threat of disaster is considerable in almost any case. Such an occurrence would have a substantial impact on the network. Such threats include flooding, lightning, earthquake, wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, fir...

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[Solved] CIS 333 Week 10 Technical Project Paper – Information Systems Security

  • This Solution has been Purchased 2 time
  • Submitted On 13 Nov, 2014 09:18:50
Answer posted by
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CIS 333 Week 10 Technical Pr...

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[Solved] technical [roject paper

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  • Submitted On 29 May, 2024 06:52:40
Answer posted by
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Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page paper in which you: 1. Identify and analyze any potential physical vulnerabilities and threats that require consid...
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