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Homework 3: Drug Prevention.

  • From Psychology, General Psychology
  • Due on 27 Jun, 2021 11:59:00
  • Asked On 17 Jun, 2021 01:07:53
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Homework 3: Drug Prevention. What leads youth to trying illicit drugs? How can parents, teachers, and society at large help youth avoid a life-long struggle with addiction? In this project, you will take an in-depth look at risk factors for drug use and explore different evidence-based prevention efforts. Based on your research, you will discuss how parents, teachers and society can play a role in prevention and argue for its cost-effectiveness.

  • You can choose to focus on drug prevention in general or prevention of a specific drug (such as alcohol, nicotine or marijuana)
  • Review Chapter 17 in the course text.


Hanson, G.R., Venturelli, P.J., & Fleckenstein, A.E. (2018). Drugs and society (13thed).Burlington,MA:Jones&BartlettLearning.

  • Locate at least 2 recent journal articles (NOT websites) (within the past 10 years) that discuss risk factors for drug use.
  • Locate at least 2 recent journal articles (NOT websites) (within the past 10 years) that discuss evidence-based prevention plans for drug use.
  • Read all of your sources and take notes.
  • Start writing your paper. You should have
    • 1. An APA formatted title page. You can find a template for one here 
    • 2. An introductory paragraph in which you introduce the topic and discuss what you’ll be covering in your paper. I’d recommend including some current statistics on drug use in youth to set up the importance of your problem. You’ll also want to have a clear thesis statement.
    • 3. A subheading called: Risk factors for drug use in youth. This is where you write approximately 1-2 pages discussing various risk factors for drug use in youth. You must cite in-text your 2 journal articles on risk factors in this section as well as the course textbook.
    • 4. A subheading called: Evidence based prevention efforts for drug use in youth. You will write 1-2 pages discussing evidence based prevention efforts. Cite your 2 journal articles on prevention in this section as well as your course textbook.
    • 5. A subheading called: Future recommendations. Based on what you’ve learned so far, provide some recommendations on how parents, teachers and society can play a role in prevention.
    • 6. Conclusion
    • 7. An APA formatted reference page of your 5 sources (2 for risk factors, 2 for prevention, and your textbook). You can find instructions on how to create an APA formatted reference page
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$ 10.00

[Solved] Homework 3: Drug Prevention

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 21 Jun, 2021 02:13:12
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Homework 3: Drug Prevention. What leads youth to trying illicit drugs? How can parents, teachers, and society at large help youth avoid a life-long struggle with addiction? In this project, you will take an in-depth look at risk factors for drug use and explore different evidence-based prevention efforts. Based on your research, you will discuss how parents, teachers and society can play a role in prevention and argue for its cost-effectiveness. You can choose to focus on drug prevention in general or prevention of a specific drug (such as alcohol, nicotine or marijuana) Review Chapter 17 in th...
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$ 15.00


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  • Submitted On 17 Jun, 2021 04:56:44
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Drug prevention is a way of protecting our little upcoming generations from getting themselves into usage of illicit drugs like tobaccos, marijuana, alcohol etc. It is a way of equipping our youths with knowledge on the risks that follows the drug users. Risk Factors for drug use in youth. Below are the cases according to the research that are the main risk factors that cause drug use in youths. It is evident that when parents lack supervision on their kids end up misbehaving. Some of our parents are too busy they don't find time to teach their kids on know how about drugs. Parents should go for programs and learn on how to monitor their teens in order to help them not to fall into drugs. poor paren...
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[Solved] Drug Prevention

  • This solution is not purchased yet.
  • Submitted On 18 Jun, 2021 04:03:10
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Multiculturalism: Culture, Ethnicity and Addiction Erica Wilkins, M.S., LMFT-A Erin Murphy, M.A., LPC-I, LMFT-A Sara Smock, Ph.D. Haley Pettigrew, M.S. Texas Tech University Who is most likely to be an addict? Some might incorrectly answer this question by describing a poor, young male, residing in an inner city. This description is both false and incomplete. Addiction is a multicultural epidemic, because it affects the lives of people from an assortment of backgrounds, regardless of race, age, class, sex, sexual orientation and religious belief. Although some have tried, the answer to the question of who is most likely to be an addict is complex and cannot be limited to a single description. Many texts discuss minority cultures as they relate to each substance. These discussions inclu...
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