Goal: To gain a deeper understanding of the impact of drug addiction on individuals, family, and society.
-Watch the documentary, Heroin (E), on the opioid crisis on Netflix (It is about 41 minutes long)
Please note that documentaries that depict drug addiction often include depictions of drug use and its negative consequences. If you are uncomfortable with this assignment, please speak with me and we can find an alternate assignment.
-Write a Paper.
Next, you will write an approximately 3-4 page paper (double spaced) reflecting on the documentary. In your paper will you need to discuss the following topics. I highly recommend using a header for each topic (a subtitle) as it helps organize the paper.
The format of your paper should be
12 font
Times New Roman
Double Spaced
Additionally, you should include key terms from the text book that you cite when you use. I am expecting 10 terms to be included within the paper. Please bold the terms so that I can find them easily.
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