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I need help with these two homework questions. They are too long to be copied so I'm providing the links.
Describe the basic concepts of G. Stanley Hall’s view of adolescence and Margaret Mead's ethnographic research, which challenged Hall’s view
Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim
more details at's-ethnographic-research,-which-challenged-Hall%E2%80%99s-view
I plan to pay $100 for each assignment if I can get them tonight or tomorrow morning.
Thank you in advance
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[Solved] Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim
G. Stanley Hall was an American psychologist and educationist who is known for his pioneering work on adolescence. He proposed that adolescence is a distinct period of development that is characterized by several physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. He believed that this period of development is a time of storm and stress, marked by a great deal of turmoil and upheaval as young people struggle to establish their own identity and find their place in the world. According to Hall, adolescents experience a wide range of intense emotions, including mood swings, irritability, and feelings of alienation and confusion. He also believed that this period of development is characterized by some cognitive changes, such as increased self-awareness, greater critical thinking skills, and the ability to think abstractly. Overall, Hall's view of adolescence emphasizes the importance of this stage as a time of significant change and transition in a person's life.
Margaret Mead was an American cultura...
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