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An annotated bibliography: Choose a bioethical issue not covered in Meilaender’s book. Some options might be maternal care, care of critically ill newborns, managing chronic illness, athletic performance-enhancing drugs, human cloning, HIPAA, animal care ethics, eco-ethical issues, healthcare access, and racism in healthcare. If there is another issue you want to research, contact me for approval. Create an annotated bibliography of at least 5 additional theological or Christian ethical resources that address this issue (do not use medical or nursing journals). At least 3 of these must be from academic scholarly resources, for example peer-reviewed articles, chapters in scholarly books, or articles in theological encyclopedias. Other resources can be from popular sources, but these must still be high quality, for example articles from high quality Catholic magazines, articles from general encyclopedias, or chapters in popular Catholic books. For each resource, provide a brief annotation – a short paragraph of at least 150 words describing the content of each resource and evaluating its usefulness for understanding the bioethical issue under consideration.
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Annotated bibliography paper
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“DiClemente, R. J., Hansen, W. B., & Ponton, L. E. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of adolescent health risk behavior. Springer Science & Business Media”.
In this handbook, DiClemente, Hansen & Ponton are defining adolescence where they are dealing with cognitive transformation featured by the efforts in confronting to overcome the difficulties and establish a sense of belonging as well as sovereignty. The authors suggest that many adolescence routes to some turbulence obscenity from the time they were small to maturity becoming productive and robust adults. The authors further suggest that there are growing concerns where many others may not reach their entire potential as employees, individuals, or parents. The scientists claim that adolescence is the time when there are many threats to youth’s health as well as their wellbeing. According to the authors, many teens suffer significant impairment, including disability. Also, the authors suggest that most of the severe health impacts experienced by teenagers are at a higher point, the implications of risk conduct (Ginzberg, 1991). But they are preventable.
“Haberstick, B. C., Zeiger, J. S., Corley, R. P., Hopfer, C. J., Stallings, M. C., Rhee, S. H., & Hewitt, J. K. (2011). Common and drug‐specific genetic influences on subjective effects to alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use. Addiction, 106(1), 215-224”.
Haberstick et al. claim that the amount of nicotine detected in the blood of teenager determines the duration in which he or she has been smoking. The authors suggest that those who have been using drugs for long will show the increased level of nicotine in the blood while those who have only burned for a short duration of time have the little amount of Nicotine in the blood. The clinical diagnosis of tobacco use may also be by the symptoms that are shown the individuals who have been using tobacco for a long duration of time (Duhig et al., 2005).
“Lee, J. G., Matthews, A. K., McCullen, C. A., & Melvin, C. L. (2014). Promotion of tobacco use cessation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people: a systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 47(6), 823-831”.
Lee et a1 makes it clear that gays, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals are at higher chances to be affected by tobacco use when given their most prevalence use, specifically smoking. The authors are clear that to get eviden...
An annotated bibliography: Choose a bioethical issue not covered in Meilaender’s book. Some options might be maternal care, care of critically ill newborns, managing chronic illness, athletic performance-enhancing drugs, human cloning, HIPAA, animal care ethics, eco-ethical issues, healthca...
An annotated bibliography: Choose a bioethical issue not covered in Meilaender’s book. Some options might be maternal care, care of critically ill newborns, managing chronic illness, athletic performance-enhancing drugs, human cloning, HIPAA, animal care ethics, eco-ethical issues, healthcar...
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