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IT213 Unit 1 Assignment: Software Basics

  • From Computer Science, Networking
  • Due on 01 Aug, 2020 06:02:00
  • Asked On 31 Jul, 2020 09:35:02
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Assignment Details

Unit 1 Assignment: Software Basics

Outcomes addressed in this activity: 

Unit Outcomes:

  • Formulate what software construction is.
  • Synthesize the relationships between a computer and the program that provides instructions to the computer.
  • Report on a variety of programming languages (both procedural and object-oriented).
  • Synthesize data types and their relationship to memory usage.
  • Demonstrate how to declare and initialize a variable.
  • Demonstrate how to declare a constant.

Course Outcome:

IT213-1: Create fundamental programs using concepts such as declaring and initializing variables and constants.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of defining variables and constants, converting data between data types, and performing basic mathematical operations on those variables.

Assignment Instructions

In this assignment you will complete a program to demonstrate the skills presented in this lesson for your selected language path. Please keep in mind that with all the assignments in this course, any given scenarios are hypothetical and intended solely to demonstrate specific skills.

Note: If your language of choice is Web Development, you will need to complete the exercises in both PHP and JavaScript.

Using the language in which you have chosen to focus: C#, Java, Web Development languages (PHP and JavaScript), please complete the following assignment:

In this hypothetical scenario, you will create a program that will allow a student to register for certification classes in HVAC. The school offers a $150 discount if the student signs up for twenty or more unit-hours. Students may also pay the tuition costs over a twelve-month period.

Assignment Requirements 

  1. Your program should declare variables using the appropriate data types to store the following string values.

Name: “John Smith”

Address: “101 N. Main Street”

City: “AnyTown”

State: “TX”

Zip: "11111"

Units Taken: “19”

  1. For the price per unit, declare a constant numeric variable to contain the decimal value 100.50.
  1. For the twenty unit-hour discount, declare a constant numeric variable to contain the whole number 150.
  1. Convert the string value for Units Taken to an integer data type and place the converted numeric value into a separate numeric variable.

Hint: Use the same name but add the prefix ‘int’ such as intUnitsTaken.

  1. Using the increment operator, increment the variable above by 1 so that the value 19 will now be 20.
  1. Multiply the constant variable for price per unit by the units taken and place the answer in a variable named tuition.
  1. Subtract the constant discount value from tuition and store the answer in a variable named afterDiscount.
  1. Divide the discounted tuition by 12 and store the answer in a variable named monthlyPayment.
  1. Finally, your program will display the following data using the respective variables for each item:





Zip Code

Number of units taken (numeric value that was incremented)

Tuition before discount

Tuition after discount

Monthly Payment

Include labels for each item as shown in expected output. Format the tuition

values and monthly payment as currency.



Name: John Smith

Address: 101 N. Main Street

City: Anytown

State: TX

Zip Code: 11111

The number of units taken is: 20

The tuition before discount is $2,010.00

The tuition after twenty-unit discount is $1,860.00

Your monthly payment is $155.00   

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

The source code file is the file in your project that contains the code you wrote. You will only need to submit the source code file for your program and not the entire project folder or any additional project files. Below are listed the file extensions for the source code file for each language:

.cs file for C#

.java file for Java

.php and.js files for web development

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  • Submitted On 01 Aug, 2020 05:30:43
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[Solved] [BEST SOLUTION ANSWERED] IT213 Unit 1 Assignment: Software Basics

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  • Submitted On 02 Aug, 2020 04:45:12
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I have put comments along certain sections, but they can be removed. Also instead of declaring and storing the variables first, ...
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