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Essay- Women's Politics

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Students will write an original essay, complete with citations. Undergraduate students must write a paper that is 8 pages in length. The purpose of this assignment is to conduct an in-depth analysis of some of the class readings, as well as to apply your critical thinking and political analysis skills. In this essay, you will be asked to select and analyze a topic of your choice related to women’s political involvement.


I am proposing my paper to be written about the gender pay gaps and job segregation. This is directly correlated to my Business Administration major as well as this course. Businesses to this day still struggle with closing the gender pay gap. The gender pay gaps have a long history within politics and is directly connected to job segregation. I feel as though I would need to include both subjects in order to best convey the struggles when it comes to the gender pay gap. There have been multiple pieces of legislation passed that pertains to the pay gap such as the Equal Pay Act of 1963. This paper will go over these pieces of legislation while highlighting the flaws and struggles that went along with each. Concluding where we stand today and if we believe the pay gap has been made smaller, larger, or been resolved.


Topic: Gender Pay Gap and Job Segregation 

Burrell, Barbara C. Women and Politics: a Quest for Political Equality in an Age of Economic Inequality. Routledge, Taylor Et Francis Group, 2018.

  1. This is the first source in which I will be using. The textbook required for this course and the base knowledge used for this essay.

“The Simple Truth about the Pay Gap.” AAUW, 31 Mar. 2020,

  1. This website will be used to explain statistics based on race and gender in relation to gender pay gaps.

“Gender Segregation at Work: ‘Separate but Equal’ or ‘Inefficient and Unfair.’” Equitable Growth, 23 Apr. 2019,

  1. This website will be used in order to connect job segregation to the gender pay gap.

Katherine McAnallen, Kathy Brangoccio. The Current State of Equal Pay Laws, 2015,

  1. This website will be used to lay out and explain the specific legislation put forth to end the gender pay gap.

“The Persisting Gender Pay Gap: Recent Developments in the Law That Address Gender Pay Disparities.” American Bar Association, 2019,

  1. This website is in addition to the last in order to explain the legislation which has been put forth by the US Government.

Litman, Leib, et al. “The Persistence of Pay Inequality: The Gender Pay Gap in an Anonymous Online Labor Market.” PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2020,

  1. This peer reviewed article helps understand the reason why the gender pay gap is still alive and well. I will be pulling examples from this article.

Mello, Jeffrey A. “Why the Equal Pay Act and Laws Which Prohibit Salary Inquiries of Job Applicants Can Not Adequately Address Gender-Based Pay Inequity - Jeffrey A. Mello, 2019.” SAGE Journals, 2019,

  1. This peer reviewed article dives into the reason the legislation such as the Equal Pay Act does not stop the gender pay gap and the downfalls of this act. 

Sebawit G. Bishu, Mohamad G. Alkadry. “A Systematic Review of the Gender Pay Gap and Factors That Predict It - Sebawit G. Bishu, Mohamad G. Alkadry, 2017.” SAGE Journals, 2016,

  1. This peer reviewed article will be used in order to present the reasons why the gender gap still exists. This helps understand specific themes which are present when it comes to gender pay gap and job segregation.


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[Solved] Gender pay gap essay

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  • Submitted On 28 Jun, 2020 10:31:55
Answer posted by
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Introduction The term gender gap and job segregation is used to refer to the discrepancies regarding status and opportunities between women and men. Today, men dominate the corporate world, and this has been the case for many years back. Traditionally, women were meant to stay at home and take care of the children and the household in general. As time went by, many women attained higher education and joined the workforce. Today, the number of women in the workforce is increasing, and organizations are beginning to put women in the executive leadership team (Schwab, 2018). However, women are usually less considered in terms of job opportunities. In 2018, the women’s to men earnings ratio was 82% (Vagins, 2019). There is strong evidence that proves the existence of a gender pay gap. The matter of concern here is how to eradicate this issue. This paper presents several ways that have been suggested to minimize or eradicate the gap. If the gender gap is to be closed, then organizations need to come up with fairer pay systems. In the job segregation management should openly commit to increasing the promotion and recruitment of women. The recruitment and promotion process can be strengthened, or rather made bias-free, by using structured interviews for the sake of the same. Using unstructured interviews increases the chances of bias that may influence the decisions of the panel. This means that the same questions need to be asked to all candidates irrespective of their gender. The responses need to be graded based on pre-determined criteria. However, the willingness and the drive to make this a reality should come from the organization’s senior leaders, and the goals need not be blurry. If the standards a...
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[Solved] Essay- Women's Politics

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  • Submitted On 29 Jun, 2020 04:36:33
Answer posted by
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I am proposing my paper to be written about the gender pay gaps and job segregation. This is directly correlated to my Business Administration major as well as this course. Businesses to this day still strug...
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