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Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

  • From Economics, International Economics
  • Due on 15 Dec, 2019 10:10:00
  • Asked On 15 Dec, 2019 09:14:17
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

Due in Week 10 and worth 100 points

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.

Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.

Step I. Consider the Issues

In Assignment 3a, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided in the table below.


Energy sources

Civil war


Poor health of entire populations

Lack of educational opportunities

Cultural taboos

Inappropriate uses of technology

Climate change


There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

  • Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Assignment 3a.
  • Pick two of the four to focus on in Assignment 3b.
  • Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation.

Step II. Prepare Your Report

The UN has given you the following guidelines.


Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100-150 words).

  1. State the topic and intent of the paper.
  2. Identify the four threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.

Section I. Threat 1

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.

Section II. Threat 2

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a.
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.


  • Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.


Formatting Requirements

  • Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages).
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
    • Introduction
    • Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Conclusion
  • Use and cite four to six credible sources in your analysis. You may use the same source for more than one threat as long as you use a minimum of four different sources. A list of potential resources is available at the end of this course guide
Available Answers
$ 20.00

[Solved] Analysis of the Threats Defense argument

  • This Solution has been Purchased 2 time
  • Submitted On 16 Dec, 2019 04:56:07
Answer posted by
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Analysis of the Threats Defense Argument The focus is on the issues that threaten the life of people from developing and the developing world. The relationship between humans and the environment is described as interdependent meaning neither can exist without the other. The issues needing worldwide attention should be arranged by severity, and the most severe issues should be addressed immediately to save the rapidly increasing population and future generations. Inappropriate use of technology and lack of education should not be a high priority in terms of threats that should be addressed for the global environment. Inappropriate use of technology and lack of educational opportunities are less priority among the eight issues presented; climate change, energy sources, poor health of entire populations and globalization. Section I. Threat 1 Inappropriate use of technology is the misuse of devices that negatively affects the reputations of individuals. Issues involving technology involved cyberbullying, data mining, among others. The issues that come with inappropriate use of technology are not a significant threat to the world population and do not threaten the lively hood of the people. Many countries ...
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[Solved] Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

  • This Solution has been Purchased 2 time
  • Submitted On 15 Dec, 2019 08:07:32
Answer posted by
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Introduction(Read Before Purchase) Majoring on the most critical threats that affect the global environment is the most significant step in protecting the environment. Thus, there is greater need to identify all the threats that affect global environment and pick the ones that cause majors threat to the environment. Some of the threats to the global environmen...
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[Solved] Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

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  • Submitted On 16 Dec, 2019 03:55:31
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Kindly receive your a...
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$ 40.00

[Solved] Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

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  • Submitted On 15 Dec, 2019 10:41:51
Answer posted by
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Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument(only in PPT format) Introduction: As a consultant for the United Nations, the purpose of this report is to address the issues raised by some of ...
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