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Discussion Board Forum 3: Trauma & Stress (Module 3)

  • From Psychology, General Psychology
  • Due on 03 Oct, 2019 09:41:00
  • Asked On 30 Sep, 2019 01:43:54
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

After reading one of the provided articles, discuss the topic of stress from a Biblical perspective.  What insights about stress can be gleaned from the article? What insights about stress can be gained from the Bible?  Provide at least one specific example from the Bible of a traumatic event or stressful situation and how the stress was handled.  Cite the journal article (one required), the Bible (verse and application required), along with any other sources used in APA format (optional additional sources). As per assignment directions and rubric, include a Bible verse and application. Cite one of the provided articles in APA format (this will count as your required outside source, as per assignment directions rubric).

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  • Submitted On 02 Oct, 2019 06:21:58
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Have describe trauma and tress bas...
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