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Research Paper! Business Ethics

  • From Business, General Business
  • Due on 22 Apr, 2018 12:00:00
  • Asked On 13 Apr, 2018 03:30:01
  • Due date has already passed, but you can still post solutions.
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The title of the reserach paper is: 

Sexual Harassment in Organizations: An Ethical Evaluation That Encourages Change


Research Paper Instructions

You will write a Research Paper on a topic relating to business ethics. Your paper must be 8–10 pages and double spaced, not including the title page, abstract, and references pages. You must include 8–10 scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. You must use your textbooks as sources; other acceptable sources are journal articles from peer-reviewed journals, theoretical texts, and the Bible. Citations must be in current APA format. As this is a Research Paper, it must be written in third person.


You will choose a topic and write a rationale for that topic. Final approval must be received from your instructor.


You will also create an Annotated Bibliography. The Annotated Bibliography must be in current APA format, and a 100-word description (of the reference itself and its contribution to the paper) must be included. The Annotated Bibliography due in Module/Week 3 will not be part of the final Research Paper due in Module/Week 8. The final Research Paper will have only the regular references section.


This paper is checked by safeassign for plagarism so I need it to be original and follow instructions exactly.  

Available Answers
$ 30.00

[Solved] Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

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  • Submitted On 19 Apr, 2018 10:01:42
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Name Abstract Workplace sexual harassment is an unwelcomed conduct from one person(s) to another person(s) in a sexual nature. Sexual conduct at work that is unwelcomed can interfere with a person’s work performance, self-esteem, and a hostile work environment. There are state and federal laws that protect employees from being sexually harassed at work. “Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” (FindLaw, 2016). This research paper is to inform the audience of sexual harassment and the effects it has on people. Women have been sexually harassed before sexual harassment was even a term. Before women started working in the work force, women have been sexually abused, and assaulted in their homes. When women started working in factories, and other places they were not respected by members of the opposite sex. Men would make unwanted sexual advances towards women, physically, verbally, and mentally. Sexual Harassment claims back in the early days were not taken into consideration, since women had to do whatever it took to survive. Sexual harassment does not just stop in the workplace, but as been in our schools as well. Ever since people were allowed to teach others, students have fallen victim of being prey to teachers. Sexual harassment affects women in social, political, psychological, private, and public settings (Akhtar, 2013). People with power and status differences have been the heart of sexual harassment claims. They desire to control, humiliate, and dominate a person that is inferior to them. Typically, the harasser has intention of keeping that person in the same submissive role, so that they continue to sexually harass the other party. There are many reasons why sexual harassment is on the rise in today’s society. According to Akhtar, “The variables that give rise to sexual violence are undoubtedly numerous and complex. Gender biased socializations and social control of the family and societal level is at the root of sexual violence against women” (Akhtar, 2013). The author goes on to say that boys have more freedom than girls, and when they grow into adulthood, and that is where men have dominance over women. Our media has had a part in setting the tone for gender roles. Media outlets, such as movies show violence on women, influencing others that it is all right to abuse women (Akhtar, 2013). Sexual harassment as discussed previously stems from power. An individual that wants to control, and or threaten are the type of people that end up sexually harassing someone. An example of someone in the workplace that is a typical claim would be someone is a higher position such as a Vice President to his secretary. This is not to say this kind of situation is every case, but an example of the controlled environment. There have been situations of women supervisors being subjected to sexual harassment. This could come from an employee who uses gender stereotypes towards the supervisor, such as calling her helpless, passive, and talk about her negatively (Lunenburg, 2010). Women have not always been the victims. Women of power have been known to sexually harass male employees as well. The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (i) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, (ii) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or (iii) such co...
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$ 12.00

[Solved] Annotated Bibliography

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  • Submitted On 19 Apr, 2018 10:08:31
Answer posted by
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Annotated Bibliography Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual Harassment - Legal Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved from Through out this source, it provides legal standards to sexual harassment within the workplace. This source breaks down the meaning of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how it pertains to sexual harassment. It begins to tell us how this law makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate against individuals in hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employment, such as promotions, raises, and other job opportunities because of their sex. This site also informs you whom all this law covers and the legal responsibility the company has to take for a claim like this. Buckner, G. E., Hindman, H. D., Huelsman, T. J., & Bergman, J. Z. (2014). Managing workplace sexual harassment: The role of manager training. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26(4), 257-278. doi: These authors illustrate different ways managers can respond to sexual harassment. It emphasizes the management’s responsibility to implement programs to prevent and correct harassment. The author’s conducted a study that addresses sexual harassment in the workplace by examining whether training quantity (i.e., cumulative training hours), training variety (i.e., the number of training methods employed), and training recency (i.e., the elapsed time since training) predict a manager's ability to (a) accurately identify sexual harassment and (b) recommend an appropriate response (Buckner, Hindman, Huelsman & Bergman, 2014). Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2017). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 97813...
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[Solved] Sexual Harassment in Organizations: An Ethical Evaluation That Encourages Change

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  • Submitted On 22 Apr, 2018 07:54:41
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Sexual Harassment in Organization...
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$ 10.00

[Solved] The Annotated Bibliography

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  • Submitted On 24 Apr, 2018 07:59:44
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Research Paper Instructions You will write a Research Paper on a topic relating to business ethics. Your paper must be 8–10 pages and doub...
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$ 40.00

[Solved] Business Ethics

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  • Submitted On 13 Apr, 2018 08:33:25
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Sexual harassments are currently amongst top rated problem entirely in all organizations. The main reason of writing this paper is to provide a detailed definition to what sexual harassment is, different aspects of sexual harassments as a b...
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  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Average Rating for this solution is A
  • Submitted On 16 Apr, 2018 02:47:46
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annotated bibliography on ...
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