Cash-back offer from November 10th to 13th, 2024: Get a flat 10% cash-back credited to your account for a minimum transaction of $50. Post Your Questions Today!

Earn By Tutoring

Earn money while helping others!

Get Paid To Tutor.

  1. Users post questions to our site, seeking help with an academic or technical subject. They offer a bounty for what they're willing to pay for a tutorial that teaches them how to solve their problem.
  2. You find their question by searching or browsing for questions, or by opting-in to email alerts in your areas of expertise.
  3. Write up a great tutorial for their question on CourseMerit along with how much you'd like to get paid for it. We'll pick a random 20% of your tutorial as a preview and post it for everyone to see. Don't worry... you'll have a say in what 20% we're sending, and we never send the end of your tutorial (where we expect you'll put the conclusion).
  4. When the other user buys your solution, we'll send you the tutorial (less 18% to cover the bare-minimum cost of processing your transaction).
  5. We keep your tutorial around forever, so if it's a commonly-asked question, you could be making money off it for a long time to come! Some of our users have made over $1,000 off of a single tutorial! In these cases, we'll take 40% to help cover the cost of advertising your tutorial.


Upload Tutorials for Ongoing Cash

Rather than wait around for students to help, you can also take a more proactive approach. Simply complete textbook or similar questions in great detail, showing all of the steps and providing good explanations along the way. Then upload your tutorial! Other students can purchase your tutorials, one question at a time, and learn how to solve difficult problems based on your example.